Virtual Appointments
We now offer our customers virtual appointments for quotations.
Call our friendly staff today to book your virtual appointment - 0151 438 2297.
In today’s world we are more connected than ever. Usually our industries, being the trades, construction, plumbing and electrical usually catch up last, especially when it comes to modern ways of communicating and operating, when compared with a modern office environment who utilise remote working technology.
Over the last couple of years, we have been slowly experimenting with remote quotations via video calling/photographs in circumstances when a brief inspection of the required works would help us roughly assess the situation and produce a brief quotation.
We have been utilising WhatsApp, Facetime, Zoom & Skype to provide an initial brief quotation. For example, take a bathroom. Generally, the layout of rooms and the requirements do not fluctuate all that much. Considering our experience, a brief video call and a discussion with our customers is enough to produce a brief quotation of the required works. If this meets the customers’ expectations, we can then process further and arrange a physical appointment.
This has numerous benefits to our customers and ourselves, including:
- Weekend Appointments – many of our customers are only available at weekends, due to work commitments. We rarely see appointment on weekends. However, with a virtual quotation we will can become more flexible, even having meetings on Sundays.
- Quicker Appointment – in order for James Foy to view an initial layout of a bathroom or a boiler, he must visit the customers property to visually inspect. However, there is a physical limit on the number he can see per day, extending the next appointment date. James Foy is also limited to the numbers he can see per week, due to actually managing open jobs. Conducting virtual appointments we will be able to see more customers in a very short space of time.
- Evening Appointments – our last quotation appointment is approximately 4:30PM each working day. We can now offer appointments up to 9PM.
- Environmental – reduced travel will mean reduced pollution. All companies will be required in the future to operate further in an environmentally friendly way – no better time to start!
- Reduce Costs – Visitation multiple bathroom/boiler quotations each day can be extremely time consuming and costly. Wages, vans, maintenance and fuel all have real value which our quotations must take into account. Our substantial savings in time and money can be passed to our customers.
We appreciate this will not meet the requirements for all our customers and projects. Customers may not have a smart phone with videoing facilities and we would require a physical initial visitation in these circumstances which we will still be operating.
It is important to note that this is still in the early stages. Initial quotations via videoing calling will provide a very good rough assessment. Please see the individual job types for their particular processes.
Boiler Repair Areas

Virtual Appointments - FAQ
Q: Which software do you use?
A: We can use WhatsApp, Facetime and Skype.